१. The graduations in a prismatic compass are
- inverted and run clockwise having 00 at north
- inverted and run clockwise having 00 at south
- are erect
- none of the above
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२. The accuracy of measurement in chain surveying, does not depend upon
- length of the offset
- scale of the plotting
- importance of the features
- general layout of the chain lines
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३. The W.C.B of a line is preferred to a quadrantal bearing merely because
- bearing is not completely specified by an angle
- bearing is completely specified by an angle
- sing of correction of magnetic declination is different in different quadrant
- all of the above
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४. Magnetic declination
- remains same at different places
- varies from places to places
- does not vary with temperature
- none of the above
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५. Which one of the following may not be classified as natural error?
- variation in magnetic declination
- local attraction
- sluggish needle
- irregular variation
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