१. Water is used in chest tube for:
- To pass air
- To prevent air entry
- For lubrication
- None of the above
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२. Serum sodium level is:
- 130 - 140 mEq/L
- 135 - 145 mEq/L
- 145 - 155 mEq/L
- 155 - 165 mEq/L
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४. Artery which does not arise from aorta:
- Lt. subclavian artery
- Rt. subclavian artery
- Rt. Brachiocephalic artery
- Carotid artery
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५. K+ should be given slowly:
- To prevent cardiac arrest
- To prevent respiratory failure
- To maintain urinary output
- Both 'a' and 'c'
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